neleval --help: usage overview¶

$ neleval --help
usage: neleval [-h] [--verbose] [--quiet]

Evaluation tools for Named Entity Linking output.

positional arguments:
    evaluate            Evaluate system output
    validate-spans      Identify duplicate, crossing and nested spans
    list-measures       List measures schemes available for evaluation
    analyze             Analyze errors
    significance        Test for pairwise significance between systems
    confidence          Calculate percentile bootstrap confidence intervals
                        for a system
    prepare-tac         Convert TAC output format for evaluation
    prepare-tac15       Convert TAC 2015 KBP EL output format for evaluation
    prepare-brat        Convert brat format for evaluation
                        Import format from CoNLL 2011-2 coreference shared
                        task for evaluation
    compare-measures    Calculate statistics of measure distribution over
    rank-systems        Get filenames corresponding to best-ranked systems
    plot-systems        Summarise system results as scatter plots
    compose-measures    Adds composite measures rows to evaluation output
    to-weak             Convert annotations to char-level for weak evaluation
                        Handle KB ambiguity in the gold standard by modifying
                        it to match system
                        Translate a hierarchy of types into a sparse matrix of
                        type-pair weights

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit