neleval compare-measures

Calculate statistics of measure distribution over systems

Usage summary

$ neleval compare-measures --help
usage: neleval compare-measures [-h] (-g GOLD | -e) [-f {plot,none,json,tab}]
                                [-o OUT_FMT] [--figsize FIGSIZE] [-m NAME]
                                [-s {none,name,eigen,mds}] [--cmap CMAP]
                                [--label-map LABEL_MAP]
                                FILE [FILE ...]

Calculate statistics of measure distribution over systems

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -g GOLD, --gold GOLD
  -e, --evaluation-files
                        System paths are the tab-formatted outputs of the
                        evaluate command, rather than system outputs
  -f {plot,none,json,tab}, --fmt {plot,none,json,tab}
  -o OUT_FMT, --out-fmt OUT_FMT
                        Path template for saving plots with --fmt=plot
                        (default: ./{}.pdf))
  --figsize FIGSIZE     The width,height of a figure in inches (default 8,6)
  -m NAME, --measure NAME
                        Which measures to use: specify a name (or group name)
                        from the list-measures command. This flag may be
  -s {none,name,eigen,mds}, --sort-by {none,name,eigen,mds}
                        For plot, sort by name, eigenvalue, or
                        multidimensional scaling (requires scikit-learn)
  --cmap CMAP
  --label-map LABEL_MAP
                        JSON (or file) mapping internal labels to display