neleval plot-systems

Summarise system results as scatter plots

Usage summary

$ neleval plot-systems --help
usage: neleval plot-systems [-h] [--by-system | --by-measure | --single-plot]
                            [--scatter | --rows | --columns | --heatmap]
                            [--pr | --prf | --recall-only] [--lines]
                            [--cmap CMAP] [--limits LIMITS]
                            [-i {evaluate,confidence}]
                            [-o OUT_FMT | --interactive [SHELL] | --run-code
                            CODE] [--figsize FIGSIZE]
                            [--legend-ncol LEGEND_NCOL] [-m NAME]
                            [--ci CONFIDENCE] [--group-re GROUP_RE]
                            [--best-in-group [BEST_IN_GROUP]] [-s SORT_BY]
                            [--at-most AT_MOST] [--label-map LABEL_MAP]
                            [--style-map STYLE_MAP] [--anon]
                            FILE [FILE ...]

Summarise system results as scatter plots

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --by-system           Each system in its own figure, or row with --heatmap
  --by-measure          Each measure in its own figure, or row with --heatmap
  --single-plot         Single figure showing fscore for all given measures
  --scatter             Plot precision and recall as separate axes with
                        different markers as needed
  --rows                Show rows of P/R/F plots
  --columns             Show columns of P/R/F plots (default)
  --heatmap             Show a heatmap comparing all systems and measures
  --pr                  In rows or columns mode, plot both precision and
                        recall, rather than F1
  --prf                 In rows or columns mode, plot precision and recall as
                        well as F1
  --lines               Draw lines between points in rows/cols mode
  --cmap CMAP
  --limits LIMITS       Limits the shown score range to the specified min,max;
                        or "tight"
  -i {evaluate,confidence}, --input-type {evaluate,confidence}
                        Whether input was produced by the evaluate (default)
                        or confidence command
  -o OUT_FMT, --out-fmt OUT_FMT
                        Path template for saving plots with --fmt=plot
                        (default: ./{}.pdf))
  --interactive [SHELL]
                        Open an interactive shell with `figures` available
                        instead of saving images to file
  --run-code CODE       Run the given Python code with `figures` available
                        instead of saving images to file
  --figsize FIGSIZE     The width,height of a figure in inches (default 8,6)
  --legend-ncol LEGEND_NCOL
                        Number of columns in legend; otherwise ensures at most
  -m NAME, --measure NAME
                        Which measures to use: specify a name (or group name)
                        from the list-measures command. This flag may be
  --ci CONFIDENCE       The percentile confidence interval to display as error
                        bars (requires --input-type=confidence
  --group-re GROUP_RE   Display systems grouped, where a system's group label
                        is extracted from its path by this PCRE
  --best-in-group [BEST_IN_GROUP]
                        Only show best system per group, optionally according
                        to a given measure
  -s SORT_BY, --sort-by SORT_BY
                        Sort each plot, options include "none", "name",
                        "score", or the name of a measure.
  --at-most AT_MOST     Show the first AT_MOST sorted entries
  --label-map LABEL_MAP
                        JSON (or file) mapping internal labels to display
  --style-map STYLE_MAP
                        JSON (or file) mapping labels to <color>/<marker>
  --anon                Hide system/team names