neleval prepare-conll-coref

Import format from CoNLL 2011-2 coreference shared task for evaluation

Note that CoNLL coreference is not the same as the CoNLL-AIDA named entity disambiguaiton annotations.

Usage summary

$ neleval prepare-conll-coref --help
usage: neleval prepare-conll-coref [-h] [--with-kb] [--cross-doc] [system]

Import format from CoNLL 2011-2 coreference shared task for evaluation

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --with-kb    By default all cluster labels are treated as NILs. This flag
               treats all as KB IDs unless prefixed by "NIL"
  --cross-doc  By default, label space is independent per document. This flag
               assumes global label space.