neleval prepare-tac15

Convert TAC 2015 KBP EL output format for evaluation

Usage summary

$ neleval prepare-tac15 --help
usage: neleval prepare-tac15 [-h] [-x EXCLUDED_SPANS] [-m MAPPING] FILE

Convert TAC 2015 KBP EL output format for evaluation

    Format is single tab-delimited file of fields:

        * system run ID (ignored)
        * mention ID (ignored)
        * mention text (ignored)
        * offset in format "<doc ID>: <start> - <end>"
        * link (KB ID beginning "E" or "NIL")
        * entity type of {GPE, ORG, PER, LOC, FAC}
        * mention type of {NAM, NOM}
        * confidence score in (0.0, 1.0]
        * web search (ignored)
        * wiki text (ignored)
        * unknown (ignored)

positional arguments:
  FILE                  link annotations

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -x EXCLUDED_SPANS, --excluded-spans EXCLUDED_SPANS
                        file of spans to delete mentions in
  -m MAPPING, --mapping MAPPING
                        mapping of KB IDs to titles