neleval select-alternatives

Handle KB ambiguity in the gold standard by modifying it to match system

Usage summary

$ neleval select-alternatives --help
usage: neleval select-alternatives [-h] [-f FIELDS] -g GOLD FILE

Handle KB ambiguity in the gold standard by modifying it to match system

    The following back-off strategy applies for each span with gold standard

        * attempt to match it to the top candidate for that span
        * attempt to match it to the top candidate for any span in that
        * attempt to match it to the top candidate for any span in the
        * default to select the first listed candidate

    The altered gold standard will be output.

positional arguments:
  FILE                  Path to system annotations

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FIELDS, --fields FIELDS
                        Comma-delimited list of fields to match candidates at
                        the same span between system and gold. "*" will
                        require match on all fields; default is "eid".
  -g GOLD, --gold GOLD  Path to gold standard annotations