neleval weights-for-hierarchy

Translate a hierarchy of types into a sparse matrix of type-pair weights

See Approximate type matching.

Usage summary

$ neleval weights-for-hierarchy --help
usage: neleval weights-for-hierarchy [-h] [-d DECAY] FILE

Translate a hierarchy of types into a sparse matrix of type-pair weights

    Input is a JSON object mapping parents to children in the hierarchy.
    Output is a three-column TSV with:

        * gold type
        * system type
        * weight

    The weights are assigned such that where the system type is an ancestor of
    the gold type with d edges between them, it will score (decay ** d).

positional arguments:
  FILE                  Path to hierarchy JSON

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DECAY, --decay DECAY
                        Decay value for systems selecting an ancestor of the
                        gold type

Converting JSON type hierarchy to weights

$ bash -c "\
neleval weights-for-hierarchy --decay 0.5 <( \
echo '{\"root\": [\"A\", \"B\"], \"A\": [\"A1\", \"A2\"], \"B\": [\"B1\"], \"B1\": [\"B1i\"]}' \
) \
A	A1	0.500000
A	A2	0.500000
B	B1	0.500000
B	B1i	0.250000
root	A	0.500000
root	A1	0.250000
root	A2	0.250000
root	B	0.500000
root	B1	0.250000
root	B1i	0.125000
B1	B1i	0.500000

These weights can be applied to evaluation with neleval evaluate’s --type-weight option.